Food matters

We’re using machine learning to help people make more informed decisions about the foods they produce, sell or eat everyday. We’re trying to solve the age-old dilemma, “what’s for dinner?”.

When is it in season?
How do you cut it?
How much Vitamin C does it contain?
Which of my recipes does this appear in?
Which of my stores carry this?
When is this on sale?
APPLE Release 1.0

Introducing Cookery Collections


A search engine for the cookery titles you own and love

Digitally collect and access your cookbooks* from anywhere. Search within your cookery collection to find recipes like ‘the one with artichokes in it‘.

Browse the cookery library

Find inspiration for what lurks at the back of your fridge or pantry

When it’s time to get creative with what’s remaining in your fridge, freezer or pantry  – use Cook With… to find ingredient combinations from within your cookery titles and the world’s publications.


Discover new cookery authors based on foods you shop for

Open Food hosts over 10,000 cookery titles from the world’s respected authors and publishers. Search by ingredient and find new authors and titles that match your household’s tastes.

Learn more about the Open Food project including our roadmap and partnership information